The male body needs 90 –  120 days to renew its’ sperm. First of all, your body needs to detox from all antibiotics, growth hormones, pesticides, chemicals and other harmful substances that we ingest from air, plastic, drinks, meats, poultry and processed food.  How to do this, tips & tricks, vitamin list and what else is essential, is described in the pre-conception plan that is specially made for couples with a pregnancy wish.

The male grocery list

  • Fertility honeycomb blend for men, best results in 3 months.
  • Antioxidant rich nutrition/supplements: Proper elimination of free radicals is super important for good sperm quality. Antioxidants literally protect sperm cells against free radicals. The most important antioxidants are: Zinc, Selenium, Vitamin E, Glutation, Vitamin C, CoQ10, Carnitine, L-arginine, Lycopene.
  • Fatty/sea fish for a minimum of 2-3 times a week. Farmed fish is not allowed.
  • A handful of mixed nuts per day (most important are pumpkin seeds – zinc, walnut – omega3, Brazil nuts – selenium and almond – vit. E).
  • Vitamin C rich food such as: Kiwi, strawberries, red peppers, citrus fruits, cabbage, mango etc.
  • Vitamin E rich food: Coldly pressed oil, olives, eggs, grains, green leafy vegetables etc.
  • Selenium-rich food: Brazil nuts, tuna, wheat germs, whole grains, seeds, eggs, shellfish, asparagus, broccoli, garlic, onions (1 onion a day, leave to cook for 45 minutes: multiplies the sperm and ensures a good erection) and mushrooms.
  • Make generous use of: Pure olive oil (in salad), flaxseed oil (spoon), coconut oil (baking / oven), organic butter (baking) or red palm fat (full antioxidants, carotene and vitamin).
  • Organic free-range chicken, twice a week for proteins.
  • Eat dates and figs every day – an incredible source of vitamins and minerals and especially figs are perfect for the sperm cells.
  • Less (red) meat: And only turkey, lamb, calf or wild meat and preferably organic.
  • Only organic animal products such as: Milk, eggs, yoghurt, butter.
  • Legumes-B complex vitamins, fibers, intestinal flora, favorable cholesterol.
  • Tomatoes, at least 1 per day. Add olive oil to tomato soup in your bowl. This increases the lycopene uptake by a total of 60%. Research has shown that men who consume lycopene supplements have 67% more sperm cells, 75% more mobile sperm and 63% better-formed spermatozoa. This is shown by research among men who received a supplement with lycopene 3 months a day. It is the substance that gives tomatoes their red colour and also occurs in grapes and watermelon.
  • Foods with a high alkaline content, alkaline comes from Arabic al-QALY and means; it neutralises acids. It has a positive effect on fertility: cucumber, onions, apples, asparagus, carrots, cherries, mangoes, peach, potatoes, broccoli, olives.
  • Carotene-rich food: Roots, sweet potato, pumpkin, watermelon, papaya, apricots etc.
  • Seeds (in particular flaxseeds, peeled sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds.)
  • Avocado, figs, sesame seeds, garlic, almonds, bananas, oysters, melons and asparagus are libido and testosterone increasing.
  • Flavonoid-rich food; Helps protect harmful free radicals, you can find it in: Citrus, apple, onion, red or blue fruits.

Recommendations for men: A natural multi-vitamin for male, Camu-Camu supplements for extra vitamin C and maca pills (you can also use maca or Camu-Camu powder every day in your smoothie instead). L-arginine, Krill oil capsule, Coenzyme Q10, Vitamin B12, lycopene, Panax Ginseng extract,  Qist el hindi and Selenium Ace tablets are also very essential when it comes to production, increase, concentration and motility of sperm cells.


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